Diseyi Philomena
3 min readFeb 22, 2022

Dear Future Husband #10

Dear Future Husband,

How are you doing? Take a moment to answer this sincerely before reading on. But I hope you’re fine. I am chilling, as always.

Prior to my JSS2, I was known as Diseyi Winifred, the coolest name on earth. I remember that day, I was standing alongside other candidates for Baptism, this Rev Brother was asking for our baptismal names to document it. He got to me and I mentioned Philomena, at that point, it felt like I wasn’t in control of my tongue, so I quickly said Winifred, but before he could take a step away from me, I switched back to Philomena, again, I said no Winifred and kept going back and forth till he got tired and told me to go home and think about it. Being indecisive isn’t a new thing to me, I can’t trace its origin, but it goes way back, more than a decade ago. I was 11 then.

I got home, my elder brother, we were both prepping for Baptism and First Holy Communion together, told me Philomena was such a boring name, that I should stick with Winifred, the thing is I agreed, heck I didn’t even like Philomena, wtf was making me pick that. A week after, back in church for our classes, I was asked to confirm my baptismal name, again I mentioned Philomena, and changed it to Winifred, and then with boldness I said Philomena, this time I meant it. I changed school, and during registration, I replaced Winifred with Philomena, and it’s been so to date. Do I have any regrets? Yes, Winifred is such a cool name, much cooler than Philomena, and I was always teased by my classmates because of the name Philomena.

I stumbled on the history of Saint Philomena at an early age, her story was captivating but more interesting was the history and meaning of her name, in Greek, it means “Daughter of light”, and it was that meaning that inspired me to choose the name. I wanted to be known as “Daughter of Light”. Words for me are important, it’s why I don’t throw words around casually, and why I make it a habit to bless people.

Beyond words, it is finding meaning in my existence. Life in itself is useless, and I often ponder on the reason for life. But if there’s something I have been sure of without an iota of doubt, is the reason for my existence. I was created with a purpose.

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

This bible verse is the summary of my existence, it’s why after all these years I still choose to be called Philomena. I am Light!

My story is a good one. And I am the author. I’ve been blessed with the gift of words. I’m paying it forward, brightening the paths of people that cross my path.

Darling, when you find me, know this, I’ll be shining, in all the places they call me dead.

With love,
Diseyi Philomena

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