Diseyi Philomena
2 min readAug 20, 2022


Dear Future Husband #14 — I will love you when we meet and forever

Dear Future Husband,

For a long time, I believed that you shouldn’t give your partner a hundred per cent of you, and this is because I felt you needed a part of you to lean on always. Now, this may be perceived as starting your relationship to fail from the beginning, but darling hear me out. You can share yourself and still keep a part of yourself, and this is not from a place of fear. I can love you, and love me equally; which is fifty-fifty.

This was initially my stand. has it changed? Maybe. I am well aware I might have developed that idea from a place of ignorance, and I’m open to understanding the roles we both get to play in our relationship and how much of ourselves is enough to give.

I was speaking with a friend, and he said something that stuck, “Use your mouth”. I was struggling to express my thoughts on a particular issue and magically wanted him to understand.

Some days I want people to understand my silence, to interpret the curved lines on my face, to understand my thoughts from the dance of my pupils magically. But then this leaves room for misinterpretation.

Darling use your mouth every single time you want to express your desires for me, use your mouth to love me, to pray for me to speak life to me. Don’t magically think I understand how much you love me, how much of a blessing I am to you, how much of my silliness annoys you. I’ll use my mouth too. To express my anger, my hurt, my pain as well as my love, my desires and my affection towards you. I’ll use my mouth to bless you, to speak life to every part of you. I’ll use my mouth to nurture our relationship because, at the end of the day darling, when you take communication away from the relationship, it becomes a tabletop without legs.

One thing is sure, I’m open to learning from you, freely giving myself to you, to understanding your thoughts and working together with you to make forever a reality.

I will love you when we meet and forever.

With love,
Diseyi Philomena

